Number and Alphabet Stamps

Home » Rubber Stamps » Number and Alphabet Stamps
Number and alphabet stamps let you make an imprint with variable data at relatively low cost. With so many sizes and options available, we know that ordering these stamps can at times be confusing.   If you need any assistance in this process please contact us below and we will be happy to help.   We know the questions to ask to find just the right fit for your application.

Please note that all stamps in this section are manual, non-self inking and require a separate ink pad (not included).

Space Restrictions?

Does the imprint of your number of alphabet stamp have to fit within a certain space?
Use the link to the right to see a chart that will show you how many bands/characters print left to right in all of the available sizes.
You may have to adjust your selection.
NOTE:  All of the stamps in this section are custom assembled at the time the order is placed.  We will not take back units that have been sized or selected incorrectly. 

If you have any questions, please call us to discuss before you place your order.


Number Alphabet Character
Contact Me Please

Let us know how we can help you!

Give us your contact info in the form to the right and we’ll get back to you within 24 hours.
Be sure to let us know what you’re looking for.


Phone: 519-622-3333 ~ 1-877-717-1716
Fax: We have discontinued our fax line



Cambridge, Ontario, Canada N3H 3P9

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