Good Bye 2020

Good Bye 2020!

To say that 2020 has been frustrating may be somewhat of an understatement. I don’t know anyone or any business that has not been effected somehow.  

During this global pandemic I can honestly say that I am truly proud to be Canadian.  I always have been but even more so right now.  We as a country have done a great job fighting the virus, even though our fight is not over.

Proud to be Canadian

It might not always seem like it, but we are winning this battle.

To everyone who has fought this virus and won … way to go! I hope you stay healthy and whole.

To anyone who has fought and had to close a business …. you tried so hard, be proud.
Look at the next chapter of your life as a new beginning.

To those who have lost someone, we share your grief.

To all of our friends south of the border in the USA, I sincerely hope that the new year brings you a new beginning too. Our countries are tied together in so many ways. When it is safe to do so we want to see the border opened again so that visitors south-bound and north-bound can travel without fear.

As we reach the end of this horrid year, I can’t wait to turn the dial and reset.

Don’t forget to check your date stamps!  Make sure that you are ready to turn your back on 2020 the moment 2021 gets here.

We can help you with our great selection of date stamps.
Click here to check it out!

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